Databranding Methodology

CRM- Customer Relationship Management

Written by Paulina Romero H | Nov 1, 2019 3:00:00 PM

This new digital marketing that has boomed thanks to the internet, has also favored the creation of many tools to help developing a real attraction marketing strategy (also known as Inbound Marketing). Among them, is the very fundamental CRM.

What is a CRM?

It's an acronym for:

  • Customer
  • Relationship
  • Manager

With means we are talking about software that allows you to manage the relationship that you have with your customers. That's what a CRM is. But ... how exactly does it work?

How does it work?

This tool helps you work on many different tasks, we will here focus only on the most basic and important ones.

  1. A visitor comes to your website, reads a blog that he's interested in, and decides to share his contact information with you so that you can send him more information on the matter. In order for this to happen, you must have offered this extra information to him on your blog by using a "call-to-action" button, that is, a button that, after clicking on it, will redirect him to a page where he'll fill in the form with his contact information and, in return, you'll email him the offer he was interested in receiving.
  2. Having your client filled in the form with his contact information, your CRM will not only save this data (automatically growing your client's database) but will also keep a record of all the steps that this person takes on your website: blogs he read, offers he asked for, messages he's sent, phone calls (yours and/or his), reservations, orders, products he bought... By doing so, each of the interactions that your clients have with your company, will be automatically registered, without having to register all of this information manually.
  3. This database that your customers automatically fill out when filling in forms with their information, will also allow you to work in a more personalized way with each of them (and these personalized processes can be automated as well, so that you don't have to do the same work with each new client, over and over again). How does this work? You design your forms according to the information that you need to have from the client by adding a drop-down menu in one of the fields in which they briefly describe their profile. This is how they self-segment themselves when filling in the blanks. For example, a field that says "I identify with myself with" and the options that follow are: a housewife, an entrepreneur, a full-time worker, a university, etc. They choose their option and your CRM saves each contact directly by segmented profiles. What's the use of this? You can create personalized campaigns based on your clients own interests. Let me give you an example: If you want to launch an email campaign that offers something that only housewives would be interested in, you only mail housewives.
  4. By registering each of the interactions you have with your clients, you can also keep a detailed record of orders placed and closed businesses, without using any other software to do so.
  5. You can also keep track of the activities of your sales department. Your CRM will keep saving the follow-up that has been given to each of the clients: calls made (which, if you wanted to, they can also be recorded, with the consent of the client); messages sent; downloaded offers ...
  6. Plus, you can also get updated analyses and reports automatically made by your CRM about the areas that you specifically want to evaluate.
All of this and more, only a click away, in an automated way. What are you waiting for?

If you'd like to learn more about this tool and the whole Inbound Marketing strategy that you can use in order to make the best out of it, contact us, we'll be happy to help.