Databranding Methodology

Digital Strategy to Sell a Product or Service

Written by Paulina Romero H | Aug 22, 2019 4:01:00 PM

It's been a while since you uploaded your product or service to the web and sales are not going as expected? What's going wrong? How can you improve your results and watch your sales grow?

Before we even get started, we can right now tell you that in order to have success, uploading your information online isn't all. Yes, of course you must upload the information; yes, you should also stay active in social media BUT, if you are handling these tools like that, in a scattered way, without a following a plan or strategy that would lead them all to the same clear and measurable goals, then they're just not enough.

You Need a Marketing and Sales Strategy

What you need is a whole strategy designed to achieve a specific goal, one that you have previously set and that includes these and other practices to ensure that your products or services acquire visibility on the internet, so that you can successfully achieve your sales goal.

Performing isolated activities, disconnected from a main goal and strategy, implies a waste of time and resources for your company.

Direct all your efforts in the same direction!

Design a Sales Plan and a Strategy that Adapts to Results

Start by creating a sales plan and based on it, design your strategy. If you have your sales goals clear, in numbers, it will be easier for you to evaluate which actions of your strategy are working and which ones are not. In this way, you will be able to adapt the tactics of your strategy, so that they respond to the objectives that you set yourself from the beginning.

Create a Web Site

If we are talking about a digital marketing strategy, the next thing you need to do after creating a sales plan, is to create a website for your company, as a part of your whole strategy. And we certainly don't mean a static page, one of those that only offer basic information and period. What you are looking for is to have a page that's alive, constantly updated and with movement. Why? because a webpage that constantly updates its contents:

  • Keeps your clients interested with your new content
  • Allows you to interact with your clients, specially with those who are interested on receiving more information on what you do
  • Shows that you are updated regarding your industry's topics
  • Calls the attention of Search Engines such as Google and, by doing do, your webpage gets better ranked as good answer improving thus, you visibility online in an organic way, that is, without having to pay for it

It is very important to remind you that, before thinking about publishing only on social networks, you should first consider having a website. If you have a website you can do both:

  • Publish blogs and "be there" so that Google finds your content and offers it as an answer whenever someone googles for the information that you happen to have
  • Re-publish that same content on social networks

While, if you focus only on sharing on social media, you are limiting the reach of your strategy.

Feed your site with good-quality content

One that matches your strategy and your marketing goals.

What you should keep in mind when creating this content 

  • Your buyer persona. Its a "model profile" that you make of your different kinds of possible buyers, those to whom you will direct your strategy. Make sure that the content you offer responds to the doubts that each type of buyer may have, according to his/her interests and specific profile.
  • The moment of the purchasing road of your client. At the beginning, you will only offer basic content and later on, you'll start offering content that deepens more on the subject that this person is interested in, so that the visitor gradually "falls in love" with your service or product.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) You should always keep in mind that your goal is to have Internet Search Engines (such as Google) offer your content among the first results they offer to their visitors. Keep updated on how to position yourself better in Google, their algorithms are constantly changing.

Why Create Good-Quality Content?

  • You show that you are an expert in your industry
  • You create trust in your client, since they realize that you know about the matter
  • Once again, so Google offers your content as a "best answer", which allows you to attract customers who are already actively searching for what you have on the internet.

Premium Content

Offer Premium Content in exchange for your visitors' contact information. This content is an "extra" to the blog. It can be, for example:

  • An ebook with more information (that's not in the blog)
  • A brochure that explains more about the use of your product
  • A free webinar

If your visitor is interested in obtaining it, he must leave his contact information for you to send it to him. This is how he will enter his contact info in your CRM so you can:

  • Keep a register of his buying journey
  • Move forward on your client-company relationship
  • Automate campaigns and future communications with him
  • Grow your client's database

Post- Sale Service

Getting clients requires a lot of effort, it would be a shame to let them go without further ado. A digital Marketing strategy allows you to keep in touch with them, even after the purchase, so you don't lose track of them (or them of you!). After all, a satisfied customer:

  • Will come back for more
  • Will bring more clients along, thanks to his recommendations

Keep attracting these clients with:

  • Useful content related to what they've bought (instructions, more options or uses...)
  • Invitations
  • Updates
  • Customer service surveys (so you know which things you can actually improve to offer a better service)

To sum things up...

As you can see, designing a whole strategy isn't a piece of cake. You must:

  • Define your sales methodology and plan, as well as your sales goals
  • Constantly work on the analysis f the strategy and on its adaptation in order to achieve your goals
  • Make use of the tools that are necessary at all times, according to the strategy
  • Update, update, update ...

Do you need help designing your strategy? Contact us! We are happy to give you advise and make your learning curve smaller. Generate an ROI that will allow your company to keep growing.