Databranding Methodology

How does Google work for demand generation?

Written by Mauricio Romero | Nov 12, 2020 3:52:07 PM

Google is one of the best information tools we have. Almost all the questions you asked have a good answer. It is almost like magic. But few people think about how it works and how Google can help you connect with your ideal customers. Discover how Google works and has a crucial role in demand and lead generation strategies.

What is Google?

It seems like a simple question. But I made it to many people, and the answer they gave me is either complex, or they don't know how to explain it. I like simple explanations so let me try. Google is a place where you ask questions, and the machine will recommend you some answers.

But how does the machine gets these results (SERP / Search Engine Result Pages)? Where does the information come from? In a world full of information, how does the machine know which are the better results?

The answer is the Google algorithm. Google has developed a lot of rules to make a good algorithm that will search for the best results. We know some parts of the algorithm through reversed engineering because if Google reveals precisely how it works, the other search engines will copy what they have done.

The algorithm looks like you have all the technical parts solved, like a purchased domain for many years, a quick load of the information, security certificates to encrypt the communication between your site, the server, the end-user, etc. But, it also has to understand the information in a website to be classified or indexed correctly. There is a hole activity called SEO or Search Engine Optimization to do this.

But the most crucial part is that Google looks for the best results for their algorithm and indexing and the end-user.

Why is Google the most important search engine?

So Google understands how this works. Its algorithm searches for the best results for your question—looking in all the websites worldwide, taking pictures of the information on their pages, and classifying the data. As a result, they give you better answers than other search engines. This is because they developed the idea of context. So if you are looking for a pizza restaurant, they will search for the best pizza place in your location.

Who is responsible for giving Google the answers?

Google takes the information available on the internet. They don't make the information. So your company is responsible for having all the information your potential clients are looking for. The data is about your traditional sales process, and it should be based on giving your prospect value around how they can solve the problem or issue they have, and your company is excellent at solving it.

How do you get into the first results Google recommends?

If Google connects your company with people who need your solution and are searching for it right now, how can you get to the first results? And it is essential to be in the first ten results because nobody goes to the second page of searches.

When people know a bit about Google, they answer this question: you pay for the keywords through Google Ads. Yes, this is the correct answer, but it is partially true. You have two kinds of responses: those who have the advertising note and the other results that the technicians call organic results.

How often do you click on the results that have the legend "advertising." Never or mostly never. Why? Because you want to learn, not to be sold. You are not ready to buy. First, you need information on the possible solutions; how much do they cost? What is the result? Who is a trusted provider for that solution?

Only 3% of the traffic in searches click in the advertising results. Yet, with only this percentage, Google has become one of the biggest companies in the world.

So the other 97% clicks on the organic results. This gets us to the idea that getting into the first organic search results is way better than being on the paying results. Visualize this; More people, and it is free!

How does Google decide which are the best organic results?

Google overcame the other search engines because they gave us good results. So think with me: What is the greatest fear Google has?

It is to give you a bad answer. When this happens, you will do another search in their system. But if it happens more than that, you will search in another search engine.

So all the Google algorithm is based on this simple principle, give the best answer for the question.

So all you have to do is give the best answer you can to the question your potential customer regularly asks. Give great value in your response and help them decide with this information if your solution and your company are the right ones to solve their need, issue, or problem.

How does Google decide among hundreds of good results?

Suppose many websites have great results. How does Google decide who goes first? By choosing the company with more answers around the subject, Google-like big websites with tons of information about consumer needs.

So what you have to do is not to answer just one question or three or four; you need to answer all the questions your customers have asked. Believe me, and they have a hundred or more—cost, value, guarantees, options, accessories, etc.

Your most crucial marketing strategy becomes about answering what they ask. This will attract hundreds of people per day to your content.

Why you need to know the basic rules of SEO?

You can answer these questions on a website through your pages and blog. But it is not only copywriting, blogging, doing videos and audio. You need to understand the technical part of SEO so your information can be indexed and classified correctly. But the rules are pretty easy to learn and implement. We talk about this in another blog.

How can you know the questions your potential clients ask Google?

What we do is get in touch with the people who interact more with your clients, and that is your sales team. When did we ask the marketing team the main questions your clients have? They can come with no more than 10 to 15 questions. When you ask your sales team, they can come out with more than 200 hundred different questions. We have done this with all of our clients, and the outcome has become almost the same.

So this is a way you can align your marketing and sales teams and put them to work together. Your sales team gives you the questions. Your marketing team needs to look for better answers, transform them into appealing messages with a great design so your potential customers engage with you, understand the value you give them, educate them on their options, and close new customers.

We can help you understand more about how to get into the first results of the search engines; this will attract new leads to your funnel.

We can help you understand more about generating leads for your marketing funnel through our experience making great strategies. Visit the following page to learn more.

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