Databranding Methodology

Radio/Streaming: Make yourself present at a distance with music!

Written by Alejandro Segovia | Jul 20, 2020 10:50:34 PM

We spoke with our audio producer, Mr. Alejandro Segovia, member of the Latin Grammy Academy, about the radio / streaming service:

  • What is it?
  • Why should a company hire you?
  • Make home office listening to the company radio

This is what he told us:

Radio/Streaming as Brand Positioning

"Brand identification, the positioning of a brand, usually makes use of all the available multimedia means in order to reinforce its presence and to build a sound universe of its own.

Let's break this down a little, let's use examples: a clothing store, a restaurant, a coffee shop. The goal is to create a sound environment specifically designed for the marketing and positioning of the brand among those who attend that specific place. In other words, whoever enters these facilities should feel sheltered by a sound environment that will also help them remember the brand. This is how you will position your brand on their heads.

We can achieve this using a very simple tool in terms of its implementation, yet very sophisticated in terms of its reach: an internet radio station. We cal them radio station out of nostalgia but they're really audio streaming stations. They're a flow of information and data that provide audio but that somehow still keep the format of some olds radio stations, like the ones at which we used to listen to AM and FM stations, specially FM stations.

What Are We Playing at This Radio Station?

First, and most important of all, is that all the information related to the brand will be linked to the sound of the station:

  • Intro music of our station
  • The station's auditory logo
  • The commercial spots of the station

It should all be linked to the brand, to the restaurant's brand, or the coffee shop's or the clothes store's... Any business can build it's own audio environment!

Create a Sound Universe for Your Brand

And to garnish this sound universe of the brand, we alternate it with songs that will also be specifically chosen for the site's environment, for the kind of music it requires.

For example, the kind of music played at a clothing store will depend on the kind of clothing that are being sold; Selling denim clothing (jeans, belts, hats) is not the same as selling feminine clothing (evening dresses, cocktail dresses). The music will also not be the same for an electronic store as it will be for a coffee shop ... In other words, the music will vary depending on the concept of the store itself, and that is why an internet radio station must be customized so it offers a specific product, to each of the brands.

Radio / Streaming for Home Office

But there's something else, now with the lockdown (Covid) that suddenly has us working at home, there are many people doing home office. Corporations may as well have their own internet station and ask their employees to tune in the company's internet radio station on their computers.

What for? Aside form providing them good quality streaming, one that builds a pleasant environment to carry out their tasks, you could also be broadcasting messages from the company:

  • From Management
  • About specific meetings that will be held
  • Internal internet events of the company ...

That is, it becomes a very sophisticated and very useful means of communication in order to easily share all the messages that the company wants to share.

I used to suggest having a radio station only to shopping malls or stores, for the website of a company. But now, my suggestion is that every company that is doing home office should offer this option to its employees so that when they listen to the company's radio station they:

  • Work under a pleasant sound environment
  • Stay informed of the messages that the company wants to share with them
Learn all about the different plans for audio production that DataBranding offers in collaboration with Mr. Alejandro Segovia. Contact us! We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.