Miguel Angel Tolsa

Precursor de Inbound Marketing en LATAM. Licenciado en Comunicación con especialidad en Marketing y Publicidad y estudios de posgrado en Comunicación Institucional.

3 Reasons why Your Investment on Online Advertising Fails

It seems that investing part of your advertising budget on the internet is no longer something extravagant to do, or at least it seems that way... The voice of some customers still rings in my head saying: "we do not want to sell on the Internet because it lowers the category of our brand, it doesn't go with us because our brand is made for stylish people".

Reasons to Have a Sales Strategy

I've been in contact with directors and managers of commercial teams for more than 15 years. I've...

How Much Does it Cost to Carry Out a Social Network Strategy and to Hire a Community Manager?

Since 2011, different types of companies have approached to us looking for a solution for "the...

Is My Company Ready to Carry Out an Inbound Marketing Strategy?

A hard yet real lesson for any company to learn, and that is not always accepted easily, is that:...

Google Tips on How to Be #1. Improving SEO

GoogleWeb Master teaches us how to sell better based on our website by doing a better SEO.

Leads Generation

What is Leads Generation? We have met companies who have no idea what this is. Have you ever...
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