Miguel Angel Tolsa

Precursor de Inbound Marketing en LATAM. Licenciado en Comunicación con especialidad en Marketing y Publicidad y estudios de posgrado en Comunicación Institucional.

Does Inbound Marketing Work for E-Commerce? A Success Case

A Story of Success In 2011, one of our newest clients made up his mind to enter (in a shy and very distrustful way) the Inbound Marketing world and make it a part of his whole marketing strategy. We also helped him see that, because of the kind of products that he sold, working with the E-Commerce global trend would mean a great deal for his success, so he decided that he build his website be as close as possible to an eCommerce page. By as close as possible we mean that everything was ready for it but... he just wasn't ready to sell online. His main reason was that, since he owned a fashion brand, his site could lose class and style, which just didn't make sense to me since, at that time, great fashion brands owned and worked with E-Commerce sites.

Designing a Digital Marketing Funnel

A Marketing Funnel is a strategic and indispensable tool for any institution or company that wants...

Social Media Marketing to Increase Sales

Digital Marketing Benefits The way to reach and talk to our target audience changed with the...

Inbound Marketing for Finance Companies

After almost a decade of working with financial institutions, we've realized that this branch needs...

Don't Regret Redesigning Your Website

What can you Expect for an Inbound Marketing Agency?

During these years working as an Inbound Marketing Agency, hundreds of marketing directors and...

Get Clients Online With the Help of a Lead Manager

A Lead Manager will help you manage your prospects and close the gap between marketing and sales....

The Best Kept Secret to Close Sales: Lead Management

Lead Management is the term given to describe a brand's global process of identifying, informing,...

Why Should my Company Work with Marketing Automation?

Ever since Inbound Marketing (marketing automation) began in 2010, different marketing fields have...

Evaluation of Your Prospects

After a long battle, the marketing team has managed to bring potential clients, prospects. What...
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