Paulina Romero H

Socióloga por formación, curiosa e investigadora de nacimiento. Trabajo en el area de Creación de Contenidos de DataBranding.

Attraction Marketing

What is attraction marketing? How is it different from traditional marketing? We here we explain it briefly and simply.

Website Design: Dynamic or Static Page?

On previous articles, we stated the importance of having a website in order to carry out a Digital...

Strategies to Build Trust in your Clients Online

In a previous article we talked about the importance of building trust in your clients in order to...

How to Build Trust in Your Clients

In a previous article, we discussed the reasons why building trust in our clients is a very...

Trust as an Internet Selling Strategy

Internet has revolutionized the world of sales. These days, the offer of products and services is...

5 Benefits of Working with a Digital Marketing Agency

In previous articles we've talked about what Digital Marketing is and its benefits. We have also...

What Do I Do so People Buy What I Sell?

This is the question that keep many entrepreneurs awake at night. "I have this product or service,...

Can One Person Handle Both Marketing and Sales Areas?

This is the one million dollar question and there is no easy answer to it. Because of course, it...

6 Benefits of Inbound Marketing

In previous articles, we have talked about: Marketing strategies for a family/medium size company...

How do I Carry out a Digital Marketing Strategy for my Family/Middle Sized Company?

In a previous article, we talked about how Digital Marketing or Inbound Marketing strategies can...
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