In a previous article, we talked about how Digital Marketing or Inbound Marketing strategies can help you compete with large companies without investing crazy amounts of money.

This time, we'd like to briefly share with you, with steps and examples, how an Inbound Marketing campaign would be carried out in a medium sized company. We hope this helps you visualize the scope of the sales that your company can have. Here we go!
Step 1- Start a web page
Your new virtual store is your web page. The benefit of having one is that your clients don't have to go to your store, they can rather reach your product or service from the comfort of their own home or office. In other words, your store is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and it goes to the people who are looking for what you have. Imagine the exponential sales growth that this strategy can entail! Compare the investment that you'd would have to make in order to open a lot of stores (and to have them open 24/7, 365 days a year), to the one you'd make by having a virtual store accessible from anywhere, at any time. A single store: your website.
Take, for example, a handmade soap shop in Denver. You want to expand it to the whole of Colorado but, opening so many stores in order to reach more people, would definitely be a very expensive adventure. Grow online first! If you do, customers from other cities may also see your products and be interested in them. This could be a first step in order to capitalize your business based on direct sales and home deliveries. Once you've increased your resources ($$$), then you'll be able to open new stores. Or maybe you'll realize that you no longer need to do so, since your virtual store works better ...
Step 2- Feed your site with the information that your clients may be looking for
Well done! your site is already there and people will start visiting it. Does it have the information that they are looking for? It's always best to work on a content strategy in order to attract visitors and then convert them into customers. Not everyone who enters your soap store, ends up buying something. Some enter out of curiosity, other looking for something very specific that you may not have, others do come specifically to buy from you, since they already know you and/or know what they are looking for and they can find it there.
The same happens with your virtual store, many people will be able to visit your site, but won't necessarily buy something. How to make them find you, come in, stay for while and above all, establish a relationship of trust with them so that they can finally become your customers? (Because, yes, trust matters, we buy more easily from someone that seems trustworthy or that we know well, than from a total stranger). Well, by offering good-quality content, always fresh and renewed. If you enter a site that doesn't give the answers that you are looking for, you leave. If, on the contrary, you find even more information than what you were looking for, you then stay.
Now, good-quality content attracts visitors and invites them to stay, got that. So what do you do so they turn into customers? That's when you barter: you offer them some premium content in exchange for their contact information. You can offer, for example, an e-brochure about all the soaps that you have which also explains what each one is made of and what it can be used for (anti-stress, relaxing, exfoliating ...). They'll give you their contact information so you can send this offer to their e-mail.
By getting this information, you'll achieve two things:
- Start building a relationship based on trust with your clients. You send relevant information, offer even more content, drive them closer to you, help them getting to know you.
- Grow your client's database. You'll have a database that will help you continue talking about your soaps with those who you KNOW are interested in what you sell, after all, they asked for your brochure ... you're not SPAM to them. You son't be making useless marketing, you'll be focusing on those who are in fact interested on what you sell. In other words, your clients have already done a self-segmentation and therefore, you'll make an adequate investment of resources and time.
Step 3- Keep nurturing that relationship of trust with your clients
Inbound Marketing is a marketing strategy that is much more affordable than traditional marketing, that is true. But it is also true that it implies a constant effort to keep the webpage "alive". It is not about uploading the information "once and for all" and not going back to the content that you offer ever again (that would be a "dead page"). You have to constantly generate content, both to keep your customers informed and connected with you, as well as to let Google know that you are a company that does offer up-to-date information and can rank your site better on its results.
Do you need more support to get your strategy started?

We recommend that you always work with an agency that's specialized in Inbound Marketing so you don't waste time and resources on the learning curve and so you are always advised by experts. After all, creating a web page is not everything, especially if you don't know about keywords, SEO and Google's algorithms.
The better Google ranks your page, the more it will offer it as an answer and, therefore, more people will see your page. You can ask an agency for a consulting service or also work throughout the project with them. They'll provide advice and constant updating. Which option is best? it depends on your company, your needs, the strategy that you want to carry out and the growth and sales projection that you've planned.