DataBranding is an experienced Inbound Marketing agency who is happy to share with you some steps that will help you create an Internet Strategy for your business, in order to increase your company's sales. This strategy will help your business succeed on the Internet and make it become an additional sales channel.
The planning of a strategy will not guarantee the desired results if the means and resources necessary for its execution are not used. Therefore, making a plan that is studied and coherent will not guarantee success on its own, but it will contribute greatly to its achievement.
Steps to Follow to Define your Internet Strategy:
1.- Business Models
The promotion model, is about offering relevant content to the user (information about the company, products, services, news, after-sales service, technical service, games, promotions, etc.) in order to increase your website's visits, since they monetize by generating customers and income in a traditional way.
The virtual model would include an online store, to motivate the user's purchase during their visit to the website.
2.- Objective
Each company has different needs because user profiles are very different (final customer, distributor, administrations and institutions, national, foreign, etc.). Therefore, a different structure and functionalities must be designed for each of these profiles by means of differentiated areas, depending on the contents offered to each of them.
Regardless of the objectives, the idea is to make a single message or proposal for each of these segments, so that each one of them is clear about why should they place their trust in us and buy our products or services, instead of the competition's.
This is achieved by offering something that adds more value to your product in the eyes of the user, compared to any product of the competition. As it happens in the majority of the cases, if we offer a very specialized service, the probability of being successful with our business is very high.
3.- How Will my Client Find Me?
You must visualize how can a client find you, since he might have never heard of your company:
- Search engines
- Social networks
- Online advertising or publicity
In any of these media, a user has to type a series of keywords that will lead him to websites who specialize on the search that he started when typing them down. It is thus very important to select and be very clear about the best searching keywords by which users will find and locate us on the web.
It helps if you try acting as a possible client of your company so you can find the keywords that define your offer in an optimal way. At the same time, you must have quality content on your website so that, once you have been located, you can catch your customer's attention and motivate him into leaving a business contact.
4.- Strategic Analysis of the Competition
It is essential to develop a web analysis of your competitors in order to get ideas for your project. In this way you can know the level of requirement or standard of your sector on the Internet to clarify your customer's needs, as well as the contents and tools that you must incorporate into your web page.
5.- Digital Development
The development of an effective website consists of 95% marketing and 5% Information Technologies. You must approach a consultant who focuses projects with this digital strategy if you want to get an attractive and best-selling website.
This recommendation of hiring a consultant in order to develop your website, is based on their ability to better assess your experience and customer portfolio and see if it matches up with what you want to achieve for your website.
Contact DataBranding, an Inbound Marketing company that offers several different services in order to improve your website.