One of the great benefits that carrying out a whole internet marketing and sales strategy offers, is that you can analyze the development of your campaigns in real time. This allows you to make informed decisions about what you should keep doing or in case something wasn't working as expected, stop doing it and change the strategy, still on time to get better results.
Evaluate your Strategy
Why evaluate?
Years ago, when marketing campaigns were done only on TV, radio, press and billboards, it was very hard to measure the success - or failure - campaigns. An estimate was calculated, but they weren't real numbers. And calculating these numbers was as nearly as expensive as the campaign itself.
Internet allows us to keep track of the real numbers of our campaigns. What is this information for? To make decisions based on real information, not just on estimates. We can thus decide which strategies we should keep running and which ones we should adapt or change, according to these real numbers.
For example, if an ebook is not being as successful as expected because it was offered on a blog that's not being visited much, perhaps it would be convenient to place it in a more successful blog. In this way, more people will be able to see your ebook offer, leave their contact information so you send it to them and as a consequence, your client portfolio will grow. This portfolio of customers can later be used to offer more promotions / products of interest to them and thus, increase your sales.
How to Evaluate?
You need to have a software that would offer live data of each of the efforts that you're making:
- Number of visitors that come to your website
- Number of contacts (both new contacts and closed sales)
- Deals: Status (open, closed) and amounts
- Most Viewed Blogs
- Type of most frequent visitors (according to categories you've established)
- Most visited landing pages
- Among others...
We, as an expert agency in digital marketing, recommend working with HubSpot reports because this platform (HubSpot) allows you to carry out all your campaigns (write blogs, publish on social networks, make CTA buttons, landing pages, manage your contacts ...) as well as to analyze all these efforts as a whole.
Whichever software you choose, the results that you should consider to evaluate are:
- The growth / stagnation / decrease in numbers, so you make decisions about which strategies continue to apply or if necessary, readapt
- Compare these numbers with the goals you've set in your sales plan
- Compare this data with different campaigns / strategies or with the same campaigns, but when they were ran on previous months / years
- Decide which blogs 1) Are the most successful ones, so you make the most out of them by adding premium content, videos, links, ebooks... 2) Aren't as successful so you work to increase their number of views
- Offer online promotions to increase sales
- Basically, adapt the numbers that the campaign reports show so that you can achieve the goals that you've set for your company
Do You Have Strategy?
Now, using a single internet tool is not the same as having a whole strategy that links the efforts made using several digital tools.
For example, it's not the same to publish only on social networks, than to have an active website that also publishes on networks (but not only) and keeps track of all the contacts that visit your site. It's not the same to pay for internet ads than to design a whole strategy so that your site is offered as a top result of web search engines (such as Google) without having to pay for it. (The latter is one of the many benefits that a well-designed Inbound Marketing strategy offers).
If you want to learn more about how Inbound Marketing works, you can either download our free ebook or contact us for more information.
res conocer más sobre cómo funciona Inbound Marketing, puedes descargar nuestro ebook gratis y/o contactarnos para más información.