Guidelines to Follow When Writing a Successful Blog

by Mauricio Romero Mauricio Romero | Mar 26, 2019 7:15:15 PM

A company's blog is a key tool to attract visitors to our website. It provides educational information about your products or services. Creating a good blog is a challenge, since it is not just about writing and publishing.

The following technical guidelines must be followed:

business blog

Guideline n.1- Make a good meta-description

A meta-description is the text that shows right under the title, web page and URL of an internet search. It is used to describe the content of a page and to tell people how you can that page solve the problem they searched a solution for.


You must write a short and striking text that encourages the reader to take a look at your article and thus, visit your website.

Guideline n.2- Have a responsive blog

One of the trends of websites these days, is that they must have a responsive design. In other words, the elements of a site adapt to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, as well as to a PC design. This responsive design will not distort the images and will make the content's reading on small and medium screens easier, automatically adapting to them. This means your customers won't need to zoom at and/or double click when they want to take a look at your content on their cell phone or tablet. This helps providing a friendlier system and by doing so, a better experience for your visitors. We at DataBranding, always create web pages with responsive design for our clients.

Guideline n.3- Use of keywords

Keywords are words or group or words (terms) that a person looks for in a search engine in order to find what they are specifically looking for. When your blog includes these terms in its articles, it becomes a perfect match for customers to reach your site when looking for products or services that your company provides. This is one of the main practices of SEO and a very effective way to attract customers. Yet remember, attracting all those clients will be useless in the end if the content that your offer is not of good quality/doesn't answer their questions.

Guideline n.4- Use tags for each topic

It's important to classify your blogs by topics and use these classification tags so that people can find related information. This doesn't only help your readers, it also helps search engines classify and track your content.

Guideline n.5- Create Call-to-action buttons

When a reader finishes reading an article, you must give him options of what to do next. These options may include:

  • Subscribing to your publications
  • Clicking on links to get to more useful information for them
  • Or even helping them move forward in their buying decision

CTA's are an opportunity to convert those visitors into prospects by having them voluntarily exchange their contact information for some of your premium content. By doing so, you'll be able to, with their consent, send them more helpful information.

Guideline n.6- Connect your blog to a campaign

A series of blog articles can be designed in order to attract more specific prospects for a certain product or service. it's very important to have statistics of your campaigns and of how visitors connect with you by means of your blogs.

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