Marketing strategies usually take time and effort. Integrating Internet to your marketing strategy seems like the obvious thing to do. More than 70 million people look on the Internet for products or services on every day basis. Not only that, people also buy or hire services using the Web. There are increasingly more companies that are making the most of this tool. That's why it's key to entering this race ASAP. Let's put it this way: What's the first thing you do when you have questions about a product, service or company? You Google it.
![marketing strategies](
A complete marketing mix must consider Digital Marketing. It should support the complete marketing program. Having a company webpage that won't bring any benefits to it, it's just a mistake. Giving priority to design over functionality, another mistake. Websites are now used to build or strengthen brand identity and but also to sell more.
Internet pages must become another marketing and distribution channel that will help increase sales prospects.
![digital marketing strategy](
Benefit: Low Cost
The new Digital Marketing can carry out every aspect of the sales process in order to close the deal: use of interesting content, Internet search, email and telephone. From creating interest to closing the sale.
Some aspects to keep in mind regarding the Web world:
- Marketing budgets destined for media that actually show a return on investment.
- Blog publishing cost is 62% less than investing in ads and magazines.
- Direct calls to close sales will no longer be as fruitless as they were before.
Human Marketing
Offering interesting content on the web is one of the least expensive tools available. We now can make sales using online stores without requiring human intervention, saving thus, a lot of money. You will have to reexamine your Website to add strategic or marketing methods to attract leads. In some cases, it's might be necessary to consider giving clients a follow-up via phone call (made by a person) to close the sale, solve any doubts the clients may still have. That is, it'll be necessary to add a Smart Conversion service: an aid to close the purchase.
Increasing Sales
We here offer 3 ideas to make the most out of your marketing strategy using the web:
- Add your website as a part of your marketing mix.
- Develop an online web marketing plan.
- Design sales strategies on the Internet.
People now we search on the web with phrases, for example: "best hotels in Rome". Then Google displays the search results. When we talk about adding interesting content to attract people to your site, we could right then offer a "Rome Free Guide" (lest's say you're a traveling agency). To download this guide, users must fill out a form with basic contact information, such as name and email address. You can now contact this potential customer! This is just a small example of how this works.
In order to apply this strategy, you must consider:
- Time: People will visit our content for as long as they want
- Continuous content creation
- Interactivity in social networks
- Space: digital marketing has unlimited space at a low cost
- Call to action: buttons that invite customer to take action, for example: Download now!