One of the many benefits that Inbound Marketing offers is the opportunity to get to know your customers better, to segment them according to their interests and tastes, in order to adjust your marketing campaigns towards more specific segments.
Attraction Marketing
This kind of digital marketing follows a whole strategy to attract customers to your website to start developing an informational and sales relationship with them.
Every time a visitor enters your site to read information that he's found interesting, he'll be invited to continue taking steps in order to get more in-depth information on the matter. With each step he takes, he'll be sharing his contact and personal information with your site. This journey that each visitor makes on your site, as well as the data that he decides to share with you, will be registered in a CRM. This is how your clients will self-segment themselves, one step at a time.
Why Segment Customers?
Knowing your clients better allows you to help them in a more personalized way, since not all clients are the same. If you help them according to their interests and offer them what you know they are looking for:
- Your offers will be welcome, that is, you will not be considered SPAM
- Once the sale is made, they can continue to receive premium content according to their interests. This will allow you to continue fostering a relationship of trust and familiarity with them, which can later translate into future sales.
Knowing each customer's profile better, helps you personalize every stage of your strategy, from the moment you design specific content on your website to attract new visitors, to the moment when you launch personalized (automated) campaigns for those who already are your customers.
Segmentation and ROI
Traditional marketing, the one that offers the same ads for all audiences (billboards, TV and radio commercials, brochures), puts all its resources on having a very large exposure so that, those who are indeed their target customers, receive the message and, those who aren't, well... they just have to ignore the message. In other words, many resources are lost in people who aren't interested at all. Take for example, a usually very expensive lipstick TV commercial; men and children will indeed see it but they just won't be interested in it, yet you'll be paying for them to see it anyway.
With a more personalized digital strategy, your resources are invested in strategies specifically designed around those people who will indeed be interested in what you have to offer, by targeting the person who is already actively searching online for your product or service. By doing do, the return on investment (ROI) of your company is much higher, since this segmentation helps you invest in those who are indeed interested in what you have to offer and prevents you from throwing your money away by spending it on those who just will never be your customers.
Learn all about your clients and give them a more personalized service. Choose the resources that you invest on your campaigns wisely!