A blog is one of the most important tools for your business digital marketing strategy. The frequency with which you publish blogs is key in order to generate more traffic. The more blogs a site has, the more new prospects are generated per month.

Here are some tips for creating a successful blog:
These are the things that you must take into account:
The site that will host your blog posts
You can either hire a hosting service or you can do it directly from your domain, in case you want it to be more personalized.
Your blog's settings
Pick the design that you like best and that better represents the image that you are trying to broadcast
Your blog post title
Pick a good title for your blogs. The title is paramount because it's what will draw attention from your audience. I recommend keeping it short. Needless to say, the title must be related to the content of your blog. If you write a tricky title that sounds catchy but has little to do with the content itself, Google will notice it and penalize you for it. Plus, you'll loose your client's trust and they'll probably not come back to your webpage, which means you'd be working against your own inbound strategy.
Pick an your topic with strategy
The key to a good blog is in its content. It should be aimed at the market that you're trying to attract; think of those concerns they may be interested in reading about, otherwise the whole inbound strategy won't work. Don't write a tedious blog that's interesting to you but might bore your audience or prospects. You want to keep them interested with your publications, not to drive them away.
Choose a picture that is indeed related to the name and content of your blog. Keep it clear and simple, of good quality, or course.
Publication frequency
Decide the frequency with which you'll be publishing your blog posts. It's very important that you keep the frequency of your publication consistent. If you publish at least 3 times a week, you will see that the number of prospects that you get, visibly grows. It's been proven that businesses that publish more, grow faster than those that publish only once a week.
How to make your blog visible to everyone?
Here are 2 things that you should to keep in mind if you want your blog to be successful on the web.
1. Metadata
They are words that give information about other words. In this case, we are making reference to the title, which must be related to the content of your blog. It must be separated by commas and it must be mentioned again in the content of your blog, so Google knows both title and content are indeed related.
2. Tags
They are the words that have to do with your blog. For example if you write something about accessories on sale, one of the tags that you have to choose for your blog would be "on sale".
They're both information that's not seen in your blog, but that's very important to keep it in mind, since search engines do use it in order to:
- Find your blog
- Rank it
- Offer that content to their users.
It's the whole structure that's behind your blog. I recommend that you ask for a specialist's help on this matter. Contact us, we are happy to help!