Do you have a website and want to make the most out of it to increase your sales? We'll here tell you how to optimize the site that you already have so that your sales grow exponentially.
Two Kinds of Websites
We have to start by identifying two main kinds of business websites:
- Static- A page with basic information and nothing else. Visitors don't navigate on the site, there's no other information than what can be read on the main page and maybe a couple of more pages.
- Dynamic- They offer basic information but visitors can also interact with them; click-on buttons that lead them to offers; links that take them to more information; direct sales on the site ...
If what you want is to optimize your site so it works as a marketing and sales tool, you need a DYNAMIC site, a site that allows your visitors to navigate on it so that they can:
- Find all the information they need
- Learn all about your company, product or service
- Contact your company in case they have any further questions or want to close a deal
Automate Your Visitor's Navigation on Your Site
You've already decided to have an active, alive, dynamic website, Excellent! What to do next?
First of all, you need to feed your site with relevant and good-quality information so that your visitors can navigate on it until they learn everything they want to learn about your company, product or service.
This information must be strategically uploaded on your site, since your company may have different kinds of buyers and each of these buyers will:
- Be interested on specific information
- Follow a specific journey on your site
That's why you must first think of a content strategy that will help you answer those questions that you know each of your potential clients will have.
Once this strategy is planned, you will then have to gradually feed your site with this information and automate the journey that they will each follow on your site.
For example, to go from a very basic blog, one with overall information about your company, to blogs with increasingly more specific information. These blogs should be linked to each other so that your customers can click on the topics that they're interested on learning more about.
This journey will be automatically followed on your site by your visitors, since you would've previously automated this process.
An Example
An example of the different journeys that can be automated on a single site, let's say it's a cleaning products company.
Buyer: Housewife
- Blog 1- Products that the company offers in general with links to blogs on specific household cleaning products that the company offers.
- Blogs 2- Information on each of the specific household cleaning products: uses, kinds, aromas ... Each blog has links to more specific information on each product.
- Blogs 3- Even more specific information on each household product: chemical composition, production process, if it's biodegradable or not ...
Buyer: Company that requests products for cleaning its facilities
- Blog 1- General blog like on the previous example that also includes links to "products for cleaning companies".
- Blogs 2- Information on "products for companies" with links to specific information on each one.
- Blogs 3- Even more specific information on each "cleaning product for companies" that the company offers.
Buyer: Other cleaning products companies
- Blog 1- Same main blog with links that this kind of buyer will be interested on clicking on to get more information.
- Blogs 2- Blogs about services that the company offers to other companies in the industry. For example: Product filling, bulk product ... Each with its links to more specific information.
- Blogs 3- Specific information: How is this filling done? What's their cost? Why work with your company? ...
These virtual journeys that visitors will take on your site are the ones that you would've previously automated so that they learn more about your company, your products or services, until they feel ready to contact you or buy directly online. This information journey will help them learn more about you -openly and in depth- and it'll be easier for them to trust your company. Needles to say, that the trust that customers place in a company is the best selling strategy plus, trusting clients are loyal clients.
Premium Content Buttons
In addition, you can include click-on buttons on each blog. These buttons will lead to the downloading of what we call premium content.
What is this content?
All those downloadable e-products (ebooks, brochures, infographics, user manuals...) with specific information that may interest your buyers.
Why include them?
So that your customers exchange their contact information with you. You've probably seen this:
"Fill out this form and get your free copy at the email address that you provided"
This contact information gets registered on your site's CRM and will help you grow your clients portfolio.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If your site follows a strategy like the one we've just described, not only will you keep a close relationship with your potential customers (one that will end on a sale), but it will also allow internet search engines (such as Google) to offer your site among their best results, since they'll learn that it's a site that has relevant and reliable information for their users which, in the end, is what they offer. Being among the best results of an Internet Search Engine (such as Google) is what will make your sales grow exponentially.
Do You Need Help Launching a Strategy Like This?
Contact us! We are an agency specialized in digital marketing. We offer different packages and services that adapt to each company's needs, goals and resources.